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Funny The Philadelphia Abbey Road Shirt

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I remember a passage in Al Franken's book where he tells the story of Jeremy Glick and how he was threatened by Bill O'Reilly after appearing on the show. Glick, whose father was killed on 9/11, wanted to sue O'Reilly for defamation claiming that Bill had lied repeatedly about him. He asked Franken for help. Franken consulted a few lawyers and discovered that suing a man like O'Reilly would be unsuccessful because the plaintiff would have to prove that O'Reilly knew he was lying. Since O'Reilly is a documented serial liar it would be impossible to prove he ever willingly knows he's lying. The same goes for the fragile-minded, thin-skinned Trump. Buy it :  Funny The Philadelphia Abbey Road Shirt

Official The Streak San Antonio Basketball T-Shirt

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 Do his cult idiots truly see nothing wrong with that? He’s so sick in the head & deranged he’s lied about the history of this bill passing 150 god damn times. His freaking insane is that? Why do they like having the worst president by sooo far America will ever have to suffer through lie to them 20000 times, some of those lies, like this one, 150 times and too bizarre to even wrap your head around. Losers. Buy it :  Official The Streak San Antonio Basketball T-Shirt

Sense 8 5th Anniversary 2015 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt

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So he keeps using the exact same wording, which if true would be incredibly impressive and something to gloat about absolutely, and get he’s full of sht, of course. It’s more pathetic that the bill was worked out between McCain & Bernie. So we have one deceased man this disgraceful piece of sht insulted w/some of the most disgusting put downs imaginable, and the other he also insults w/left wing put downs. He doesn’t deserve to sniff those two men’s jock straps. He has zero idea how to do his job and f*ck him for taking the credit on this 150 FUCKING TIMES. Buy it :  Sense 8 5th Anniversary 2015 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt

I Regret Charging Him Because He's A Loser Shirt

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I’m a doctor. Patients have been handing me veteran’s choice insurance cards since before Trump was even running for President. The patients know it, I know it, everyone knows it. Why do we let this asshole continue to lie to our faces?t’s so f’ing annoying that he says it the same way every time. His maga morons hear something like that and jump on it as something that proves he ‘gets stuff done’ or something absurd like that considering his dumpster fire of a ‘presidency’. Buy it :  I Regret Charging Him Because He's A Loser Shirt

Halloween It’s A Good Day To Wear A Mask Halloween Friends Horror Squad Movie Killers Wear Mask Halloween Quarantine 2020 Shirt

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I think its actually kind of smart reporters are waiting till election day to grill him on lies. If they would have started in 2016, a lying president would be our normal now (which, to a point, it already is), but he would have already adapted and have had a gameplan in place. Now that they are holding him to the flames at unprecedented rates, he doesnt know how to react, and hes walking out of briefings like a child 2 months till election. Buy it :  Halloween It’s A Good Day To Wear A Mask Halloween Friends Horror Squad Movie Killers Wear Mask Halloween Quarantine 2020 Shirt

Official Face Mask Funny Horror Movie Shirt

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Even aside from the lies and the bullshit, the other points that he came to declare, sounded like he'd just read them for the first time! Spent way too much time explaining 'blindness in both eyes' and read the second 'self-explanatory' point a couple of times... Does he even prepare for conferences?So he renewed it apparently, according to Wikipedia. Way to do the bare minimum and not kill something that you claim to support, which was originally passed by your supporters' sworn enemy. Buy it :  Official Face Mask Funny Horror Movie Shirt

I Never Dreamed Id End Up Marrying A Perfect Awesome Wife But Here I Am Living The Dream Shirt

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But anyway, my point is if you want to see a narcissist completely lose their mind, either infer they are lying, or out and out call them on it. If reporters were prepared to do that on the daily, you would see raw behaviors from him that beggar belief. It might even bring the cult to their senses finally.I really think that's one of the things that could truly damage his image for his base, being called out on camera in a way that can't be overlooked as a "gotcha" or "fake news". Just calling out his weakness as he's running away. Just letting him walk out allows them to pretend he's doing some 4d power move, Buy it :  I Never Dreamed Id End Up Marrying A Perfect Awesome Wife But Here I Am Living The Dream Shirt

Black Wall Street Greenwood - Tulsa Oklahoma Black History Premium T-Shirt

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I had a BF who was a raging narcissist. At dinner one night we were “discussing” something he had said that was total BS. I didn’t use the word “lie” but flat out said I didn’t believe him. He turned red, stood up and leaned towards me. As quickly as this happened, the manager sensed it and stepped over to ask me if anything was wrong. Douchebag BF sat back down real quick, and I took the opportunity to leave. Buy it :  Black Wall Street Greenwood - Tulsa Oklahoma Black History Premium T-Shirt

Chucky Georgie Denbrough Oh Shit IT T-Shirt

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We will have another crisis on our hands in November. This jabroni will not leave after losing and all the talks of what should happen in this scenario will be thrown out the window. We the people need to figure out what we will do, how and where.Why are we acting like Trump knows the difference. Someone told him to say this over 9 months ago and he just keeps repeating it, Trump doesn't know the difference. Buy it :  Chucky Georgie Denbrough Oh Shit IT T-Shirt

Dr Bonnie Henry Be Calm Be Kind Be Safe T-Shirt

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Takes a third crack at the point, still clearly doesn't get what its about and so AGAIN tells everyone \'i'm sure everyone knows what that means' (anaain because he can't explain what he doesn't understantd). Yeah, we were all confused on the troubles with what blindness was and how many eyes we've got, which he explained in detail and then took waffle congratulations for, but when it comes to explaining the pong about help not punishment for non-violent crimes, there are no specifics, not even waffle, just 'well that's self explanitory'.....his is so fucking stupid. Buy it :  Dr Bonnie Henry Be Calm Be Kind Be Safe T-Shirt

Official Horror MIB Maniacs In Black T-Shirt

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Just re-watch him reading the points out...the first one he re-reads the words, repeating them in a different order a few times so he gets what it means inhis head, then he says some meaningless waffle connected to blindness and congratulating himselft because 'they' have been having 'issues' with this for a 'long' time...everythinng he craps on with is unqualafiable and vague. Then he reads the secontd point...doesn't understand what it means, reads it again, still doesn't understand it so tells everyone that this secone more complicated and nuanced pont about help rather than punishment for non-violent offences is 'se'f explanitory' so he doesn't have to explain it because he doesn't uderstant it. Buy it :  Official Horror MIB Maniacs In Black T-Shirt

On A Dark Desert Highway Cool Wind In My Hair T-Shirt

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How has it taken this long to finally ask pointed yes or no questions to this guy? The press literally has the power to showcase how insane he is by doing nothing more than asking questions. This is the entire purpose of the press, to keep government honest. Let’s keep this up ok?Well that's a magic Trump power.... Somehow while he was not President I was using the Veterans Choice program to get actual health care the VA proper was failing at post my Iraq vacation back the previous decade. Trump is such a TOOL. Buy it :  On A Dark Desert Highway Cool Wind In My Hair T-Shirt

Tim Mcgraw 28th Anniversary 1992-2020 Thank You For The Memories T-Shirt

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He will be spending Sunday at his country club furnished by tax payer money and not attending church while boasting about the 30 golf carts he stole with our tax dollars to his elitist members while he laughs at God and our vets during a round of golf This is what scares me about Trump. He lies and lies and lies and when the lies no longer work, he runs and hides and stops doing his job. The stress must be building again. I'm sensing another golf outing in the works. Buy it :  Tim Mcgraw 28th Anniversary 1992-2020 Thank You For The Memories T-Shirt

The Warriors The Punks The Rogues The Orphans The Baseball Furies T-Shirt

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I'm not American, and it's always shocking whenever I see a video longer than 5 seconds of Trump talking. The guy is incoherent - he just rambles and repeats himself like Grandpa Simpson. I've seen all the memes about him having dementia etc, but in this and the Jonathon Swan interview, he also appears to be borderline illiterate when he has to read something.Have people just become used to it? In any other context, a leader presenting as this intellectually challenged would cause a crisis of confidence. Buy it :  The Warriors The Punks The Rogues The Orphans The Baseball Furies T-Shirt

I’m Not Perfect Christian I’m The One That Knows I Need Jesus T-Shirt

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If this was an actual legitimate news/press conference, members of the public would not be there to cheer/react/boo at the press, which actually interfered with the questions being posed. Honestly, members of the public were not there; the only non-press people allowed in that room were members of the club that paid to be there, so donald could have his ego stroked.He’s been lying about it his entire term (well, to be fair, everything he says is a lie or just fanciful bullshit). About time he got called out on it in real time. Just a huge fraud. Fraud is nowhere near a strong enough word. Buy it :  I’m Not Perfect Christian I’m The One That Knows I Need Jesus T-Shirt

My Wife Says I Only Have Two Faults I Don’t Listen And Something Else T-Shirt

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If this was an actual legitimate news/press conference, members of the public would not be there to cheer/react/boo at the press, which actually interfered with the questions being posed. Honestly, members of the public were not there; the only non-press people allowed in that room were members of the club that paid to be there, so donald could have his ego stroked.He's such a weak piece of shit. Everyone who follows him is equally as pathetic. They all need to admit -- to themselves -- that they only like him because he's racist trash just like them. Just... end the charade already. The GOP and its supporters are white supremacists. End of story. Buy it :  My Wife Says I Only Have Two Faults I Don’t Listen And Something Else T-Shirt

Official Satan No Lives Matter T-Shirt

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Always nice to hear from someone who is actually involved in the subject being talked about. Cuts right through all the bullshit bias and lays it bare on the table. Thank you for the explanation of the realties of the decisions this president makes and the affect it has on people such as yourself.Good. Keep hammering him on this and making him walk out of press conferences. Don't give this asshole room to breath and spew his bullshit. Buy it :  Official Satan No Lives Matter T-Shirt

Dont Study Me You Wont Graduate T-Shirt

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This all misses, however, what I think is more worthy of notice. Obama mandated the creation of a sustainable peer support care group. These peer support employees may be have a background in social work, psychology, or substance abuse recovery but they are, most importantly, peers—counselors and helpers along the way who are also veterans and went through the very same issues that those are who they are they caring for. These peer supports are, IMO, the most impactful mandate in the VA since the Iraq War. Obama also mandated more help in regards to mental illness and suicide prevention. Buy it :  Dont Study Me You Wont Graduate T-Shirt

Michael Myers Social Distancing And Wear A Mask In Public Since 1978 Shirt

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The Choice Act added nothing, just making the Obama era permissions permanent. The immediate application was obvious—by declaring that veterans could seek their own care through private insurance the importance of expertise and availability of VA care went down. Almost right a way psychologists in particular were transferred to other VAs rather than filling vacancies because those jobs, though not specialized for veteran specific issues and verifies of PTSD, could now be outsourced to private care. Buy it :  Michael Myers Social Distancing And Wear A Mask In Public Since 1978 Shirt

I Am A Hockey Mom I Spend More On Hockey T-Shirt

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I've been telling anyone who would listen about this for years. Especially when the old "Bernie Sanders has been in the Senate forever and never passed anything" horseshit lie rose it's ugly head. Sanders helped radically improve VA healthcare for the better with this Act and all Trumps "Mission Act" did was add some more funding and then make some blatant attempts to move some VA services towards privatization instead of what should have been done... better funding and revitalizing the existing VA programs. Buy it :  I Am A Hockey Mom I Spend More On Hockey T-Shirt

In October We Wear Pink Breast Cancer Awareness T-Shirt

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So basically what happened is that Australian guy in one interview exposed how the fourth estate has been failing our country and they all of a sudden are going "oh, I can just directly bring up his lie?" For fucks sake I hope they keep up this attitude and spread it through all political reporting.“As Trump tried to call on another reporter instead, Reid continued, "You said that you passed Veterans Choice. It was passed in 2014...it was a false statement, sir." Trump paused, then responded: "OK. Thank you very much, everybody." He then walked away as the song "YMCA" played.” Buy it :  In October We Wear Pink Breast Cancer Awareness T-Shirt

Official Joe Biden Corn Pop Tee T-Shirt

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Well done reporter, it certainly beats the spineless cowards i usually see asking him questions that are designed to make him look good, do they conspire before the event to have “nice” questions? (Wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest) and it’s kind of sad I’m praising these reporters for calling him out on his bullshit, in my country he’d be crucified by them and removed from office for being unfit to serve, and that’s the same in a lot of European countries,running away and refusing to answer would be the end of his career, standing back and doing nothing is complicit in his clown show, embarrassing! Buy it :  Official Joe Biden Corn Pop Tee T-Shirt

Johnny Utah 1991 School Of Surfing And FBI Training Vintage Retro T-Shirt

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The best part is the way he does it, so snide and condescending. Like, what, does he think he’s won by not being there? He was doing a great service by answering questions and that one reporter ruined it? All the other reporters are gonna gang up on her? Like he seriously thinks that by walking out, he got the last laugh. What a fucking clown.Every day. Every day since 2016, I keep thinking that this is the day I’ll wake up from this nightmare and there won’t be everybody’s drunk uncle at Thanksgiving running the country. Buy it :  Johnny Utah 1991 School Of Surfing And FBI Training Vintage Retro T-Shirt

Funny And By' K' I Mean Fuck You Shirts

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The best part is the way he does it, so snide and condescending. Like, what, does he think he’s won by not being there? He was doing a great service by answering questions and that one reporter ruined it? All the other reporters are gonna gang up on her? Like he seriously thinks that by walking out, he got the last laugh. What a fucking clown.As Trump tried to call on another reporter instead, Reid continued, "You said that you passed Veterans Choice. It was passed in 2014...it was a false statement, sir." Trump paused, then responded: "OK. Thank you very much, everybody." He then walked away as the song "YMCA" played. Buy it :  Funny And By' K' I Mean Fuck You Shirts

Some Girls Go Riding And Drink Too Much It's Me I'm Some Girls Shirts

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Good. If he walks out, he won't have a chance to spread his lies and kill people. If he said drinking bleach would cure COVID, I'll bet my LIFE that some of his supporters would do just that.When people get onto reporters for not asking the hard follow up questions this is why it doesn't happen. He walks out. The interview from last week was a fluke that he actually stayed and answered questions. Buy it :  Some Girls Go Riding And Drink Too Much It's Me I'm Some Girls Shirts

Funny I Am A Voter Shirt

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If you watch the briefing it sounds like trump is seeing the expansion for the first time. When trying to explain what it does he reads it word for word twice and then says “it’s pretty self explanatory folks”. And this is just after claiming that he did what no one else could do in 50 years. Incompetent fuck He's reading all those bullet points for the first time, maybe the second time tops. I don't understand how he is still president. Buy it :  Funny I Am A Voter Shirt

I Never Dreamed Id End Up Marrying A Perfect Awesome Wife But Here I Am Living The Dream Shirt

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"Trump, speaking at his Bedminster, New Jersey, golf club, had claimed again that he is the one who got the Veterans Choice program passed -- adding, "They've been trying to get that passed for decades and decades and decades and no president's ever been able to do it, and we got it done."The Trump admin seized 5 million masks intended for VA hospitals. Kushner distributes these masks to private entities for a fee, who then sells the masks to the government. Buy it :  I Never Dreamed Id End Up Marrying A Perfect Awesome Wife But Here I Am Living The Dream Shirt

Good Made ya look black lives matter shirt

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In fact, former President Barack Obama signed the Choice program into law in 2014. The law, which allowed eligible veterans to be covered by the government for care provided by doctors outside the VA system, was a bipartisan initiative spearheaded by two senators Trump has repeatedly criticized, Bernie Sanders of Vermont and the late John McCain of Arizona.I don't watch many of his conferences, but wow, Trump really seems tired and defeated. Repeating himself multiple times, "you know what that means", reading straight off of the sheet. He seems really frail and weak. He didn't want to be there, even before the reporter laid into him. Buy it :  Good Made ya look black lives matter shirt

No Matter Where I Go I Always Leave My Heart In Germany Shirts

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 I have just watched the clip. It is completely obvious that he is reading from a piece of paper that he has literally just laid eyes on. He has NO IDEA about what he’s reading and tries to cover it up with “its self explanatory” He repeated the blindness in both eyes comment numerous times as he had no clue what to say next! He reminded me of when I had to deliver a presentation at university whilst being in a team. Sadly i would often not contribute to the research and often not have a clue what we were talking about. I would often be passed a piece of paper by my friend and I would just attempt it to blend it in by saying things like “ i wont explain that as its pretty self explanatory” This man is a huge fraud! Buy it :  No Matter Where I Go I Always Leave My Heart In Germany Shirts

Good Morgan Wallen 7 Summers Shirt

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Mom, I have successfully cleaned my room, which is to say my room - which was a dirty room - is now a clean room, since I was the one who got it done. You know what this means, and that is that I now have the cleanest room in the entire house, much cleaner than my brothers room which you have been trying to get him to clean for 2 weeks and he hasn't got it done."Second is...uh...requires the VA to establish a treatment court program for vets who need treatment rather than certain non-violent crimes and... you know what that all means.... [repeats the same sentence again]...okay? I think it's self-explanatory." Buy it :  Good Morgan Wallen 7 Summers Shirt

Official Mujer Desagradable Shirt

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This is great and all, but how long has this clown been president? How long has this clown been in the public eye? How long have we all been aware of his verbal diarrhoea of bullshit lies?!! And it's only in the last few weeks that reporters have had the brainwave of actually questioning and challenging the bullshit?!!More reporters need to be standing up and calling out the lies. I don't know why this has taken so long. More of this, please. Buy it :  Official Mujer Desagradable Shirt

Bat Wuhan Wild Wings So Good It’s Contagious Coronavirus Shirt

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Wasn't Trump one of the original authors of the constitution of the United States? At least he believes he was. For decades others tried unsuccessfully, he got her done. Wait till October, he will pronounce that he had made contributions to the bible, the book of Trump.Am I wrong or has Trump just walked out of these press conferences after women ask him a hard question? I can't think of a time a man challenged him and he just abruptly walked out.Trump looked really bad here. Like physically. His face seemed sunken somehow. Like he didn't look how he has in the past. Buy it :  Bat Wuhan Wild Wings So Good It’s Contagious Coronavirus Shirt

Official Just A Girl Who Loves Avon Shirts

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This is so right. So many that may have been on the fence or willing to vote for Hillary while holding their nose likely bailed on that news, which turned out to be nothing in the end. I think it's hilarious that Trump axed the man that delivered him a victory, probably because he has no clue. Actually more likely because he has no idea that he didn't win on his own effort, just like everything in his life. Buy it :  Official Just A Girl Who Loves Avon Shirts

Awesome I Can’t Fix Stupid But I Can Sedate It Paralyze It & Intubate It Shirt

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The only people who say that are Trump supporters and they will vote for him no matter what. It wasn’t the debates that lost Hillary the election and it wasn’t the GOP smears, nor was it “not visiting X state” - despite all that she was 9 points ahead. Until Comey came out. Comey singlehandedly did what nobody managed to do - drop her within 3 points which was basically the margin of error. This is also why Trump overwhelmingly lost early votes and mail in votes but won the same day votes - because Comey’s announcement was just a few days before the election. Buy it :  Awesome I Can’t Fix Stupid But I Can Sedate It Paralyze It & Intubate It Shirt

Premium Jesus Take The Wheel Please Cause I Can't Do It Alone Shirt

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No wonder Trump was so dumbfounded when that Axios reporter from Australia kept challenging him when he said something that was obvious bullshit, it's because that's practically the first time that has ever happened to him and likely won't happen to him again.Can’t even get that right, did you watch his Hannity interview? And people worry about his “debating chops”. Please. Biden will wipe the floor with him, he’s not going to high-road it like Hillary did (in her defense, she had to because otherwise they branded her as “hysterical” and “shrill”). Buy it :  Premium Jesus Take The Wheel Please Cause I Can't Do It Alone Shirt

Pretty The Warriors The Punks The Rogues The Orphans The Baseball Furies Shirt

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This is by a wide margin one of the most easily disprovable lies this idiot tells, because the thing he's taking credit for happened two years before he took office. Yet it took four fucking years and over one hundred and fifty repetitions of this lie for a reporter to finally ask him a goddamned follow up question and call him out on it? Jesus H. Christ the fourth estate in this country is beyond worthless and the White House press corps is even more useless than that. Buy it :  Pretty The Warriors The Punks The Rogues The Orphans The Baseball Furies Shirt

Premium Life Stinks I Like The Kinks Shirt

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That's the case with the vast majority of his "accomplishments." Take something Obama passed, marginally increase its benefits, then act like he came up with the whole fucking bill. HBCUs funding, First Step Act, Veteran's Choice, the economy prior to covid, all of that. The only original legislation he came up with besides his shitty EOs that lose in court 90% of the time is the tax bill. It's fucking pathetic."You said that you passed Veterans Choice. It was passed in 2014...it was a false statement, sir." Trump paused, then responded: "OK. Thank you very much, everybody." He then walked away as the song "YMCA" played. Buy it :  Premium Life Stinks I Like The Kinks Shirt

Top I Was Social Distancing Before It Was Cool Shirt

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EDIT: I've also seen a couple of breakdowns of Benjamin "Just Move Lol" Shapiro's videos where he literally stops quoting an abstract a line before it disagrees with his conclusion. But I think it's safe to say it's just straight dishonesty in that case.I remember when he did some press conference in India with the Prime Minister about a year ago and the song Macho Man played when he walked out and the thought crossed my mind "Oh my God, he picked this song because there is an Indian in the Village People" Buy it :  Top I Was Social Distancing Before It Was Cool Shirt

Even Though I’m Not From Your Sack I Know You’ve Still Got My Back Happy Father And Day Shirt

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My absolute, #1 instance of this was when I was arguing with someone about...the effects of systemic racism, I think? The person was clearly dancing around saying 'black people are genetically stupid.' He then linked me an NYT article that literally argued my point nearly exactly (effects of historical racist policies and current systemic racism accounts for basically all the 'performance' difference between white and black populations of similar standing) and when I pointed this out argued that I'm not supposed to look at their 'dumb conclusions pushing a narrative' but instead 'look at the data.' He couldn't explain to me his reasoning for the data showing his point, nor could he refute NYT's reasoning. Yet he linked this as a source for his argument. The amount of just not thinking at all that you have to do for that is mind blowing. Buy it :  Even Though I’m Not From Your Sack I Know You’ve Still Got My Back Happy Father And Day Shirt

Funny Teenage Mutant Killer Turtles Shirt

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Considering you have to lack any real adherence to logical reasoning to believe a lot of this shit, it makes sense. They don't really see 'data' as something to be seen as the sum of its parts, but instead choose to view the parts individually and decide they prove a put.They literally just read the headline or read down to the exact line that disagrees with them and disregard context.He behaves like an internet conservative. He'll say easily disprovable shit (or my personal favorite, use a source that actually disagrees with him when you read it) and then disappear when you call him out. Buy it :  Funny Teenage Mutant Killer Turtles Shirt

Nice Jesus God Made Rugby So Football Players Could Have Heroes Too Vintage Shirt

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Watching the 90 second beginning of the clip in this article is a great example. He sounds like he has no idea what the laws he just signed actually do, even with the notes right in front of him. He used the same phrases multiple times, which were probably taken verbatim off the notes, and he still ended with "I think it's self-explanatory" because he is clearly incapable of explaining them. Buy it :  Nice Jesus God Made Rugby So Football Players Could Have Heroes Too Vintage Shirt

Premium Joe Biden He Joes ‘Em She Blows ‘Em Shirt

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No joke here: He’s going to make an executive order that people with pre existing conditions can’t be turned down by insurance companies. Too bad that already exists. And it’s the thing he’s threatened to repeal since he started campaigning. That thing is called the ACA aka Obamacare. Meanwhile his White House is currently in the courts trying to overturn pre existing condition coverage. Buy it :  Premium Joe Biden He Joes ‘Em She Blows ‘Em Shirt

Awesome The Fast Saga F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 2001 2020 9 Movie Thank You For The Memories Shirt

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Yep, as I keep saying, he doesn’t even lie, he bullshits. The liar knows what the truth is and puts at least some thought into how to convincingly contradict it and how to feign ignorance or some other form of plausible deniability if caught lying; for the bullshitter, the truth isn’t even a factor. The bullshitter just says whatever would, in that moment, be most convenient for him (or her) were it to be true. If what that is changes, so will the bullshit - even within the course of a single conversation. Buy it :  Awesome The Fast Saga F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 2001 2020 9 Movie Thank You For The Memories Shirt

Funny Strong Woman The Only Thing Stronger Than A Soldier Is The Mom Who Raised Him Shirt

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⁠In Sept 2019, he made an Air Force cargo crew, flying from the U.S. to Kuwait stop in Scotland (where there's no U.S. base) to refuel at a commercial airport (where it costs more), so they could stay overnight at a Trump property (which isn't close to the airport). Trump’s golf courses are losing money, so he's forcing the military to pay for 5-star nights there.• ⁠In Sept, 2019, Pentagon pulled funds for military schools, military housing funds, and daycare to pay for Trump's border wall. Buy it :  Funny Strong Woman The Only Thing Stronger Than A Soldier Is The Mom Who Raised Him Shirt

Top Cornhole Cool Game With A Dirty Name Vintage shirt

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And frankly, asking him questions about his lies isn't the best strategy against a firehose of falsehood like this. Asking about it still presents it as though it's innocent, as though journalists expect a good faith answer about the discrepancy.He recently tried to take credit for an executive order he was going to sign mandating insurance companies have to cover preexisting conditions, which is actually already the law because of a certain previous president. Buy it :  Top Cornhole Cool Game With A Dirty Name Vintage shirt

Elephant Don’t Mess With Old People We Didn’t Get This Age By Being Stupid Shirt

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It comes with consequences. Such is the nature of rising fascism. Trump openly demonizes any who criticize him, and he does everything in his power to chip away at his opponents. He wanted to have his 2016 election opponent arrested, he talks of clearing out govt officials bc they're "not loyal" to him, he revokes clearance rights to media companies that get too ballsy in calling him out. Some entities cower and play nice to stay in the game, some try to fight back and challenge him. When a man has unchecked power, you'll find fewer and fewer individuals willing to potentially paint a target on their back. Buy it :  Elephant Don’t Mess With Old People We Didn’t Get This Age By Being Stupid Shirt

Awesome Even Jesus Had A Fish Story Shirt

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Instead of asking "why do I expect these companies to do anything other than to try to make more and more money?" I suggest you ask yourself why news outlets are for-profit in the first place.We entirely depend on them just doing the right thing but they don't. They haven't done the right thing for years and years. So we should stop expecting them to do anything for the good of the country. Buy it :  Awesome Even Jesus Had A Fish Story Shirt

Pretty Flowers Autism I See Your True Colors That’s My I Love You Shirt

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The thing to understand is that although you think news organizations should care about our democracy and act accordingly, the problem is that these are businesses -- no different than computer businesses or hamburger businesses -- owned by powerful companies and with rich CEOs, their own stockholders, etc....Instead of asking "why don't these media companies do more to protect democracy," I'd suggest asking yourself "why do I expect these companies to do anything other than to try to make more and more money?" Buy it :  Pretty Flowers Autism I See Your True Colors That’s My I Love You Shirt

Nice Halloween Pennywise Face Mask Even In Quarantine They All Float Shirt

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Remember when he did interviews somewhere in Europe and the reporters there weren’t all afraid to ask hard questions, and pissed him off? This is what it looks like. This is what reporting should look like.This is giving them better ratings. This is more newsworthy that the President couldn't answer questions and ran off stage when he was called out for lying. They should be encouraging this, not for any political reason, but because it became prime time news. Buy it :  Nice Halloween Pennywise Face Mask Even In Quarantine They All Float Shirt

Top I’m A Teacher My Face Is Part Of My Teaching Power Owl Face Mask Shirt

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This is giving them better ratings. This is more newsworthy that the President couldn't answer questions and ran off stage when he was called out for lying. They should be encouraging this, not for any political reason, but because it became prime time news.Often it’s the OAN lob. But in this case it’s when he gets enraged by a smarter, stronger female reporter, immediately ends presser. Then takes his ball and derp derp derps all the way home. Buy it :  Top I’m A Teacher My Face Is Part Of My Teaching Power Owl Face Mask Shirt